IG541 gas extinguishing equipment
Product description
IG541 gas extinguishing system is a gas mixture comprising N2, Ar and CO2 at a volumetric mixture ratio (N2: 52%, Ar : 40%, CO2: 8%), used as a pure natural gas extinguishing system and also one of the extremely environment-friendly gas extinguishing devi

    Specifications of extinguishing agent containers: 80L, 90L

    ● Manner of fire extinguishment:  total flooding

    ●Design working pressure of system: 15 MPa

    ● Relief action pressure: 23±1.15MPa

    ● Container storeroom temperature: - 10 ~ 50 ℃

    ● Protective range:  ≤ 800 m2, ≤ 3600 m3

    ●System startup mode: automatic, manual, mechanical emergency operation

    ●System startup power supply:  DC 24 V, 1.5 A

    Mainly suitable for fire protection of such places or equipment as computer rooms, communication center rooms, valuable equipment rooms, cultural relics treasuries, libraries and archives, data storeroom, power generator rooms, oil-immersed transformer rooms, transformer rooms, circuit breakers, circulating equipment, hydraulic equipment, drying equipment, de-dusting equipment and painting production lines. 

Copyright: Beijing zhengtianqi fire fighting equipment Co., Ltd   Jing ICP Bei 13019319-1   technical support :云泽晶企
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