Handle cash payments and bank settlement business, keep journals of cash and bank deposits in a timely manner, and keep cash at hand, related financial stamps and various bills.
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Marketing management trainee
Responsible for selling and promoting fire equipment products of the company, tapping new markets, acquiring new customers and increasing the scope of product sales, and responsible for selling activities and completing sales tasks within sales territorie
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Design engineer
Responsible for technical scheme and detailed design of fire equipment promotion and application, set the selling prices of products according to design schemes and responsible for technical support and technical exchange for engineering design projects.
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Business manager
Responsible for selling and promoting fire equipment products of the company, tapping new markets, acquiring new customers and increasing the scope of product sales, and responsible for selling activities and completing sales tasks within sales territorie
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According to the national accounting system, keep and close accounts, ensure documents are lawful, paperwork complete, contents true, numbers accurate, and accounts clear, cleared and closed day by day, and submit financial statements according to schedul
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