CNCA: CCC mark no longer sub-categorized

Published:2019-03-21  Reads:1115

According to the CNCA’s official website, recently, CNCA issued a proclamation on reforming CCC mark. According to the proclamation, as from March 20, 2018, CCC mark no longer identify sub-categories such as S (safe product), EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), S&E (safety and electromagnetic compatibility), F (fire safety) and I (information security), and the original CCC mark can be phased out as a matter of natural transition according to mold replacement cycle and product inventory. The details of the proclamation are as follows:

I. Revoke the review and fee on for printing/die pressing CCC mark

1. As from March 20, 2018, the review of printing/die pressing CCC mark by the organization issuing and managing the designated marks (Beijing Zhongqiangren Product Mark Technology Service Center) will be revoked, as well as corresponding review fee, such that certificated companies will print/die press CCC marks of their own accord.

2. Printing/die pressing of CCC marks by certificated companies shall be conducted according to the Administrative Requirements for Affixation of China Compulsory Certification Mark” (see Annex 1).

II. Issue and Management of CCC mark of standard specifications

1. As from May 1, 2018, designated certification agencies will be responsible for issue and management of CCC mark of standard specifications for fees to be charged according to the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Deregulating Service Fee Charging for Inspection and Testing Services (F.G.J.G. 20151299).

2. Before May 1, 2018, all designated certification agencies shall complete all preparations for issue and management of CCC mark of standard specifications, including procedure, contact person and contact telephone number for issue and management of CCC mark, and publish them accordingly.

3. The designated organization issuing and managing the mark (Beijing Zhongqiangren Product Mark Technology Service Center) will undertake the issue and management of CCC mark of standard specifications until May 31, 2018, after which it will not be responsible for issue of CCC mark of standard specifications. 

III. Simplify and integrate categories of CCC mark

As from March 20, 2018, CCC mark no longer identify sub-categories such as S (safe product), EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), S&E (safety and electromagnetic compatibility), F (fire safety) and I (information security), and the original CCC mark can be phased out as a matter of natural transition according to mold replacement cycle and product inventory. 

IV. Strengthen subsequent regulation of affixation of CCC mark

When affixing CCC mark of standard specifications and printing/die pressing CCC mark themselves, certificated companies shall establish respective policies on use and management of CCC mark strictly according to the Administrative Requirements for Affixation of China Compulsory Certification Mark and the Implementing Rules for China Compulsory Certification, as well as record and archive their usages of CCC mark. Designated certification agencies shall strengthen supervisory management of CCC mark, guide certificated companies through proper use of CCC mark and fulfill their responsibilities as certification agencies. Local certification supervision and administration departments at all levels shall strengthen supervisory management and law-enforcement inspection of CCC mark affixation. 

V. Other matters  

The previous Measures for the Administration of China Compulsory Certification Mark (CNCA Proclamation 2001 No. 1) and the Proclamation on Matters related to Issue and Management of China Compulsory Certification Mark (CNCA Proclamation 2002 No. 7) will be abolished at the same time. 

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